Gordon White Gesso Floor Lamp
Gordon White Gesso Floor Lamp
One Light at 150 Watts per Socket with 3 Way Turn Knob
A Standard Bulb and Dimmable Socket
with Natural Cotton Shade
Length: 19"
Width: 19"
Height: 64"
Additional Dimensions: Base:Â 3.5"H x 11"Dia; Body:Â 53"H x 11"Dia; Shade:Â 11.5" x 19" x 19"
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- 3 Way Turn Knob A Standard Bulb and Dimmable Socket with Natural Cotton Shade &url=https://mecoxcloud.flywheelstaging.com/shop/lighting/floor-lamps/gordon-white-gesso-floor-lamp/" data-psfw-href="//pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?media=https://d18wkpp7xvnw38.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/FNL-2406-FLGORDON_0.jpg&description=Gordon White Gesso Floor Lamp One Light at 150 Watts per Socket with 3 Way Turn Knob A Standard Bulb and Dimmable Socket with Natural Cotton Shade &url=" target="_blank" data-main-product-url="https://mecoxcloud.flywheelstaging.com/shop/lighting/floor-lamps/gordon-white-gesso-floor-lamp/" data-form-url="https://mecoxcloud.flywheelstaging.com/shop/lighting/floor-lamps/gordon-white-gesso-floor-lamp/" >
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